All information shared between the client and dietitian is confidential. Exceptions to this rule include:
· If you request that information be released or shared as stated and signed in the “Release of Information/Consent Form.”
· If the dietitian believes that a client is a clear and imminent danger to self or others, the appropriate people will be contacted to prevent that occurrence.
· Information requested by court order.
ELM Wellness collects no personal data from visitors to our website. All e-mail messages are kept confidential.
Legal Information (disclaimer):
The information on this website is provided for educational purposes only. Medical advice and medical services are not being offered on the website. All medical information should be used in consultation with your healthcare providers. The author has attempted to provide the most current and accurate information available at the time of posting. If misleading or otherwise inappropriate information is brought to our attention, a reasonable effort will be made to correct it.
Page updated 1/1/2024